{{Judgment |noshift |Judgment, Judgment, Judgment, Final Judgment |Judgment is the first slot in the psychic branch of the incarnate system and is part of the basic tier of incarnate powers.[br][br]Judgment slot abilities deal extreme damage in an area of effect. Core branches tend to deal more damage while radial branches usually come with debuff and/or mez effects.[br][br]Higher tiers generally hit larger areas and have a higher target cap. The chances and magnitudes of secondary effects generally do [u]not[/u] scale with tier. {{Photonic |Photonic Judgment deals energy damage in a ranged area-of-effect. Its core branches have a chance to deal additional raw damage while its radial branches have a chance to debuff tohit and/or hold. (The visual theme should fill in thematically for generic energy and can be used as a cover-all for other themes such as kinetics, sonic, or psionics via power customization.) |light,200 {(Ranged AOE) Foe Extreme Damage (Energy) |25' radius; 16 foes {Extra DMG (Pet/Minion/Lt) |25' radius; 16 foes {Chance for Tohit Debuff |40' radius; 24 foes {Extra DMG (All Enemies) |25' radius; 16 foes {Extra DMG (Pet/Minion/Lt)[br]+[br]Tohit Debuff |25' radius; 16 foes {- |40' radius; 32 foes {Chance to Hold |40' radius; 24 foes {Extra DMG (All Enemies) |40' radius, 24 foes {Chance to Hold[br]+[br]Chance for Tohit Debuff |40' radius, 32 foes