|Essence, Essence, Lifeblood, Freem
|Vitae is the fourth and final slot in the physical branch of the incarnate system and part of the advanced tier of incarnate powers.[br][br]The Vitae slot is an auto power that provides flat boosts to a number of stats, the primary buff partially bypassing stat caps.[br][br]If the character has a tier 3+ ability in the Destiny slot, then any tier 3+ Vitae ability will change Destiny's incarnate shift to a full-on level shift. Otherwise, tier 3+ Vitae will provide an incarnate shift in its place.
|[*] The names of the Limitless tree and tier 4 (Freem) are taken from one of the story buffs in Mender Ramiel's arc.
|Primary buff pattern is 4→6→8% (20/30/40 for damage and recharge, 8/12/16 for damage resist)
|Boundless Vitae gives a passive boost to movement speed (running, jumping, flying), part of which bypasses the movement speed cap. The core branches provide a stronger boost while the radial branches offer an additional buff to range. Higher tiers also increase the character's aggro cap slightly.
{8% Movement Speed
{12% Movement Speed[br](6% Bypasses Cap)
{8% Movement Speed[br]+[br]30% Range
{16% Movement Speed[br](8% Bypasses Cap)
{12% Movement Speed[br](6% Bypasses Cap)
|+3 Aggro Cap
{12% Movement Speed[br](6% Bypasses Cap)[br]+[br]30% Range
{8% Movement Speed[br][br]+[br]30% Range
|+3 Aggro Cap
{16% Movement Speed[br](8% Bypasses Cap)
|+5 Aggro Cap
{12% Movement Speed[br](6% Bypasses Cap)[br]+[br]50% Range
|+5 Aggro Cap
|Flawless Vitae gives a passive boost to to-hit chance, part of which bypasses the to-hit cap. Core branches provide a stronger boost while radial branches offer an additional buff to perception. Higher tiers also increase the character's target cap slightly.
{4% Tohit
{6% Tohit[br](3% Bypasses Cap)
{4% Tohit[br]+[br]10% Perception
{8% Tohit[br](4% Bypasses Cap)
{6% Tohit[br](3% Bypasses Cap)
|+3 Target Cap
{6% Tohit[br](3% Bypasses Cap)[br]+[br]10% Perception
{4% Tohit[br][br]+[br]10% Perception
|+3 Target Cap
{8% Tohit[br](4% Bypasses Cap)
|+5 Target Cap
{6% Tohit[br](3% Bypasses Cap)[br]+[br]20% Perception
|+5 Target Cap
|Impregnable Vitae gives a passive boost to damage resistance, part of which bypasses the damage resistance cap. The core branches provide a stronger boost while the radial branches offer an additional buff to mez resistance. Higher tiers also increase the character's max health slightly.
{8% Damage Resistance
{12% Damage Resistance[br](6% Bypasses Cap)
{8% Damage Resistance[br]+[br]50% Mez Resistance
{16% Damage Resistance[br](8% Bypasses Cap)
{12% Damage Resistance[br](6% Bypasses Cap)
|3% Max Health
{12% Damage Resistance[br](6% Bypasses Cap)[br]+[br]50% Mez Resistance
{8% Damage Resistance[br][br]+[br]50% Mez Resistance
|3% Max Health
{16% Damage Resistance[br](8% Bypasses Cap)
|5% Max Health
{12% Damage Resistance[br](6% Bypasses Cap)[br]+[br]100% Mez Resistance
|5% Max Health
|Limitless Vitae gives a passive boost to damage, part of which bypasses the damage buff cap. The core branches provide a stronger boost while the radial branches offer an additional buff to secondary effects (mez, buffs, debuffs). Higher tiers also increase the chance of the character's secondary effects (chance to mez / chance for buff/debuff) slightly.
{20% Damage
{30% Damage[br](15% Bypasses Cap)
{20% Damage[br]+[br]30% Stronger Effects
{40% Damage[br](20% Bypasses Cap)
{30% Damage[br](15% Bypasses Cap)
|3% Effect Chance
{30% Damage[br](15% Bypasses Cap)[br]+[br]30% Stronger Effects
{20% Damage[br][br]+[br]30% Stronger Effects
|3% Effect Chance
{40% Damage[br](20% Bypasses Cap)
|5% Effect Chance
{30% Damage[br](15% Bypasses Cap)[br]+[br]60% Stronger Effects
|5% Effect Chance
|Perpetial Vitae gives a passive boost to recharge rate, part of which bypasses the recharge buff cap. Core branches provide a stronger boost while radial branches offer an additional buff to interrupt time reduction. Higher tiers also increase the character's max endurance slightly.
{20% Recharge
{30% Recharge[br](15% Bypasses Cap)
{20% Recharge[br]+[br]30% Interrupt Reduction
{40% Recharge[br](20% Bypasses Cap)
{30% Recharge[br](15% Bypasses Cap)
|3% Max Endurance
{30% Recharge[br](15% Bypasses Cap)[br]+[br]30% Interrupt Reduction
{20% Recharge[br][br]+[br]30% Interrupt Reduction
|3% Max Endurance
{40% Recharge[br](20% Bypasses Cap)
|5% Max Endurance
{30% Recharge[br](15% Bypasses Cap)[br]+[br]60% Interrupt Reduction
|5% Max Endurance
|Untouchable Vitae gives a passive boost to defense, part of which bypasses the defense buff cap. Core branches provide a stronger boost while radial branches offer an additional boost to debuff resistance. Higher tiers also increase the character's mez protection slightly.
{4% Defense
{6% Defense[br](3% Bypasses Cap)
{4% Defense[br]+[br]10% Debuff Resistance
{8% Defense[br](4% Bypasses Cap)
{6% Defense[br](3% Bypasses Cap)
|+3 Mez Protection
{6% Defense[br](3% Bypasses Cap)[br]+[br]10% Debuff Resistance
{4% Defense[br][br]+[br]10% Debuff Resistance
|+3 Mez Protection
{8% Defense[br](4% Bypasses Cap)
|+5 Mez Protection
{6% Defense[br](3% Bypasses Cap)[br]+[br]20% Debuff Resistance
|+5 Mez Protection