{{Animal Companions
|light filter:hue-rotate(30deg) saturate(0.5);
|filter:hue-rotate(60deg) saturate(2);
|You are able to communicate with animals to attack for you. The animals will appear and disappear as you call on them to attack, putting them in no danger.
|Call Swarm
|(Ranged) Foe Minor Damage over Time (Lethal), -Defense, -Movement
|You summon a swarm of stinging insects to harrass your foe, causing minor lethal damage over time and reducing both their movement speed and defense.
|Very Fast
|accuracy, damage, endurance, recharge, range, defense_debuff, slow; ranged_damage, universal_damage, slow, defense_debuff, accurate_defense_debuff
|accuracy:1.0;range:80;recharge:4.0;endurance:5.2;vector:Ranged, Lethal;
|* 62.5615 points of Lethal Damage to target over 3.1s
* -7% Defense to target for 8s
* -20% Movement Speed to target for 8s
|Call Hawk
|(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage (Lethal), -Tohit, Chance to Knockdown, -Fly
|You call forth a hawk ally to swoop in and viciously peck at your target, causing moderate lethal damage. The attack often catches foes off-guard and can knock them down as well as reducing their chance to hit. Additionally, foes attacked in the air will lose flight control and plummet to the ground.
|accuracy, damage, endurance, recharge, range, knockback, tohit_debuff; ranged_damage, universal_damage, knockback, tohit_debuff, accurate_tohit_debuff
|accuracy:1.0;range:80;endurance:8.528;recharge:8.0;vector:Ranged, Lethal;
|* 102.6009 points of Lethal Damage to target over 1.3s
* -5.25% Tohit to target for 10s
* 0.67 magnitude Knockdown to target
* -160% Fly to target for 10s
|(Ranged Cone) Moderate Damage over Time (Lethal), -Movement, -Defense, -Fly
|You command an unkindness of ravens to quickly assault and harrass your foes. Your foes will suffer moderate lethal damage over time and have their movement speed and defenses reduced.
|accuracy, damage, endurance, recharge, range, defense_debuff, slow; ranged_aoe_damage, universal_damage, slow, defense_debuff, accurate_defense_debuff
|accuracy:1.0;endurance:10.192;recharge:10.0;range:40;arc:30;targets:10;vector:Area, Lethal;
|* 56.931 points of Lethal Damage to target over 3.1s
* -7% Defense to target for 10s
* -20% Movement Speed to target for 10s
* -160% Fly to target for 10s
|Spot Prey
|Self +Tohit, +Damage, +Perception
|You tap into your core senses and attempt to spot vulnerable prey, increasing your chance to hit and your damage for a few seconds. Your perception will also be greatly increased for a longer amount of time.
|tohit_buff, endurance, recharge; tohit_buff
|* +50% Tohit to self for 10s
* +62.5% Damage to self for 10s
|Shark Attack
|(Ranged) Foe High Damage over Time (Lethal), Knockback
|You can send forth a shark to maul your opponent. The shark will quickly deal lethal damage over time and has a chance to knock your foe back.
|accuracy, damage, knockback, endurance, recharge, range; knockback, ranged_damage, universal_damage
|accuracy:1.0;endurance:10.0;recharge:10.4;range:80;vector:Ranged, Lethal;
|* 86.498 points of Lethal Damage to target
* 46.1324 points of Lethal Damage to target over 3.2s
* 1.163 magnitude Knockback to target
|Rhino Charge
|(Ranged AOE) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing), Knockback
|Sends a disgruntled rhinoceros charging at a group of foes. On impact, nearby enemies will suffer from moderate smashing damage and be knocked back.
|accuracy, damage, knockback, endurance, recharge, range; knockback, ranged_aoe_damage, universal_damage
|accuracy:1.0;endurance:10.192;vector:Area, Smashing;recharge:16.0;range:80;radius:15;targets:16;
|* 56.3054 points of Smashing Damage to target
* 3.323 magnitude Knockback to target
|Flying Squirrel
|(Ranged) Foe Minor Damage (Lethal), Disorient
|Calls a flying squirrel to attack a targeted foe. The squirrel will deal minor lethal damage as they bite and scratch your foe but, more importantly, will climb all over the foe's body, disorienting them as they stop what they are doing to try to catch it.
|accuracy, damage, endurance, range, recharge, disorient; disorient, ranged_damage, universal_damage
|accuracy:1.0;endurance:10.192;recharge:10.0;range:60;vector:Ranged, Lethal;
|* 7.5068 points of Lethal Damage to target over 3.1s
* 3.0 magnitude Disorient to target 11.92s
|Peregrine Falcon
|(Snipe) Foe Superior Damage (Smashing, Lethal), Disorient, -Fly
|You call on a peregrine falcon to attack your foe from a long range. The falcon dives directly at a foe's head, striking them for superior smashing and lethal damage and briefly disorienting them. Flying enemies will also be struck out of the air.
|accuracy, damage, endurance, range, recharge, disorient; universal_damage, disorient, snipe_damage, ranged_damage
|accuracy:1.2;endurance:14.352;recharge:12.0;interrupt:2.0;range:150;vector:Ranged, Smashing;
|* 197.06876 points of Smashing Damage to target
* 84.45804 points of Lethal Damage to target
* 3.0 magnitude Disorient to target for 2.0s
* -160% Fly to target for 10s
|(Location AOE) Foe Superior Damage over Time (Smashing, Lethal), -Movement, Chance to Disorient, Chance to Knockdown
|Causes a stampede at a targeted location. Foes will be trampled underfoot as a wave of animals runs over them. Affected foes will suffer from superior damage over time as well as reduced movement speed and have good chances to both be knocked over and disoriented.
|Very Long
|accuracy, damage, endurance, range, recharge, slow, disorient, knockback; knockback, disorient, slow, ranged_aoe_damage, universal_damage
|accuracy:1.4;vector:Area, Smashing;endurance:27.716;recharge:170.0;range:60;radius:30;targets:16;period:0.2;
|* Create pseudopet "Stampede" for 15s:
* 125.123 points of Smashing Damage to target over 15s
* 125.123 points of Lethal Damage to target over 15s
* -50% Movement Speed to target for 5s
* 0.67 magnitude Knockback to target (8% chance)
* 3.0 magnitude Disorient to target for 2s (8% chance)
{{Blaster, Defender, Corruptor