{{Device Control
|light filter:hue-rotate(280deg) saturate(0.5);
|You are equipped with a number of tactical devices that allow you to manipulate the battlefield.
|Some powers originally envisioned for this set were taken by Arsenal Control, namely: Cryo Freeze Ray (st hold), Smokescreen (-tohit, as Smoke Canister), Flashbang (aoe stun), Sleep Grenade(aoe sleep), Tear Gas (aoe hold)
|(Ranged) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing), Immobilize, Chance to Knockdown
|Snares a single foe, causing very minor smashing damage and immobilizing them. There is also a fair chance that weaker foes will lose their balance and be knocked down.
|Force Cage
|(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage-over-Time (Energy), Hold, -Recharge, -Speed
|Traps a foe in an energy cage that deals moderate energy damage over time as well as holding them helpless, unable to move or act. Stronger foes may be able to resist the field but will still have impeded recharge and movement.
|Electrified Net
|(Ranged Cone) Foe Minor Damage-over-Time (Energy), Immobilize, -Recovery, Chance for -Endurance
|Launches an electrified net that envelops the foes in front of you. Foes caught in the net will continue to take minor energy damage over a period of time, be immobilized, and have their recovery rate reduced. They may also lose a portion of their endurance to the electric shock.
|Sap Power
|(Ranged) Foe -Endurance, -Recovery, Chance for Sleep; Self Chance for +Endurance
|Drains a targeted enemy of a moderate amount of endurance and halts their endurance recovery. The sudden loss of energy may also render them unconscious for a time, though any damage will wake them early. There is a chance some of the sapped endurance will be returned to you.
|Sonic Burst
|(Ranged AOE) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing, Energy), Disorient, -Resistance
|You create a sonic burst in a large area around a foe. The explosive sound is powerful enough to deal minor smashing and energy damage to affected foes and leaves them disoriented for a time. The sound wave also weakens armor, leaving foes with reduced damage resistance.
|Gravity Bomb
|(Ranged AOE) Foe Draw-in, Knockdown, Disorient
|You toss a bomb that creates a brief, minute singularity. The miniature black hole draws enemies in and knocks them over. The affected will be disoriented for a time as well.
|Quick Cement
|(Ranged AOE) Foe Sleep, -Recharge, -Movement
|You spray a group of foes with a fast-setting cement compound. Enemies in the area will be unable to move or act but will break out early if damaged. Even then, bits of the cement will stick to them, hampering their movement and recharge.
|Force Netting
|(Location AOE) Foe Hold, -Recharge, -Movement
|Deploys your force cage over a wider area, trapping multiple foes. While the netting holds nearly as well as your single-target Force Cage, the power build up takes longer to recharge and the spread of energy means the cages deal no damage.
|Very Long
|Smart Mines
|(Location) Summon Pseudopet (Smart Minefield)
|Deploys a small minefield in a selected area. These smart mines are normally hidden but will surface and close-in on foes that wander too close, exploding on impact. Each mine only deals minor damage on its own but damage can quickly add up as more foes incite more mines and their blasts overlap with each other.
|Very Long
|Riot Drones
|(Location) Summon Pet (Riot Drone, x2)
|Summons a pair of riot drones to assist you. The drones can float, are armor-plated, and sport a pair of mounted guns that they can use to attack nearby foes.
|Very Long
|[Auto] Self Immobilize, +Untouchable
{nodisplay-smart-minefield-smart-mine|Activate Smart Mine|(Ranged) Summon Pet (Smart Mine)
|[Auto] Self +Fly, +Resistance (Smashing, Lethal, Cold, Negative, Toxic, Psionic), -Resistance (Heat, Energy)
|Self Destruct
|(PBAOE) Foe Minor Damage (Lethal, Heat); Self Defeat
|[Auto] Self +Resistance (All but Energy), +Fly
|Riot Gun
|(Ranged) Foe Minor Damage (Lethal), -Defense
{{Controller, Dominator
{{Smart Minefield
{{Smart Mine
{{Riot Drone