{{Earth Affinity |light filter:hue-rotate(50deg) saturate(0.5); |filter:hue-rotate(100deg); |You are attuned with seismic activity, giving you the ability to use the forces of earth to boost your allies and hinder your foes. {desert-wind |Desert Wind |(Ranged Cone) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing), Knockback |knockback |cone |You can call forth a tremendous gust of desert winds that knock down foes and deal some smashing damage in a wide cone area. |Minor |Moderate {healing-crystals |Healing Crystals |(Ranged) Ally Heal, +Resistance (Endurance Drain) |boost_health |single_target |You briefly surround an ally in healing crystals, restoring some of their missing hit points. The crystals will also protect against foes' attempts to sap that ally's endurance for a while. |- |Fast {sandstorm |Sandstorm |[Toggle] (Ranged AOE) Foe -To Hit, -Perception |blind |taoe |Creates a sandstorm around a targeted foe. While this power is active, foes around the target will suffer a large penalty to hit. Some weaker foes may even lose track of you or your allies that are sufficient distance away from them. |- |Slow {lead-weights |Lead Weights |(Ranged Cone) Foe -Movement, -Fly, -Defense, Chance to Immobilize |immobilize |cone |Shackles the foes in front of you with heavy stone weights. The weights will restrict their movement, bringing down flying enemies, and reduce their chances to evade attacks. Some weaker foes may even become fully immobilized if the weights are too heavy for them. |- |Slow {mineral-dispersion |Mineral Dispersion |(Ranged) Ally +Protection (Confuse, Disorient, Fear, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep), +Defense (Psionic) |mez_protection |single_target |You surround a targeted ally with charged minerals that bring clarity of mind, protecting them from many mez effects. The minerals also cause psychic interference, increasing that ally's defense to psionics. |- |Fast {mud-bath |Mud Bath |[Toggle] (PBAOE) Ally/Self +Regeneration; Foe -Movement |buff_regeneration |pbaoe |While this power is active, you create a pool of warm mud around yourself. The pool increases the regeneration rate of you and your allies while also slowing the movement of foes who step into it. |- |Slow {volcanic-ash |Volcanic Ash |(Ranged AOE) Foe Minor Damage-over-Time (Heat), -Damage, -Healing Received, -Endurance, -Recovery |debuff_damage |taoe |Blast a foe and those around them with burning soot, dealing minor heat damage over time as well as decreasing their damage potential and healing received. Affected foes will also be deprived of oxygen, draining them of some endurance and reducing their recovery rate for the power's duration. |- |Long {sandblast |Sandblast |(Ranged) Foe -Defense, -Resistance |debuff_defense |single_target |You blast a targeted foe with pressurized sand, rapidly eroding their armor and other protections. The foe is left with reduced defense and damage resistance for a while. |- |Long {dust-devils |Dust Devils |(Location) Summon Pseudopet (Dust Devil, x2) |knockback |summon_aoe |Conjures up two funnel clouds at a targeted location. The dust devils will chase down your foes, tossing them into the air and hurling them great distances. The victims are left disoriented and with reduced defense. The tornadoes are a menacing sight and can even cause panic among your foes. |Minor |Long {{Controller, Defender, Mastermind, Corruptor |shared {desert-wind|1 {healing-crystals|2 {sandstorm|3 {lead-weights|4 {mineral-dispersion|5 {mud-bath|6 {volcanic-ash|7 {sandblast|8 {dust-devils|9