{{Energy Control |light filter:hue-rotate(230deg) saturate(1); |filter:hue-rotate(320deg) saturate(0.7); |You are able to control the flow of energy around you to manipulate your foes. Condensing, expelling, even outright redirecting movement or stopping it in its tracks. Most attacks deal smashing and energy damage concurrently, and many will leave your foes with inhibited damage potential. |[*] Posted as a suggested power set on the City of Heroes: Homecoming forums here. {photon-bombardment |Photon Bombardment |(Ranged) Foe Minor Damage over Time (Energy), Immobilize, -Movement, -Damage, -Fly |immobilize |single_target |Blasts an enemy with a fine spray of light particles. Though small and weak, the particles are sufficient to cause minor energy damage over time as their momentum slows your foe's movement if not outright immobilizing them. The photons will also disrupt flight and steal some energy from your target as they collide, reducing the affected foe's damage for a time. |Minor |Fast |accuracy, damage, immobilize, endurance, recharge, range, slow; ranged_damage, immobilize, universal_damage, slow |accuracy:1.2;range:80;endurance:7.8;recharge:4.0;vector:Ranged, Energy;damage:28.13866; |* 28.13866 Energy Damage to target over 9.2s * 4.0 magnitude Immobilize to target for 27.938s * -37.5% Movement Speed to target for 15s * -7% Damage to target for 10s * -160% Fly to target for 10s {force-lift |Force Lift |(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing), Knockup, -Damage |knockup |single_target |You can nearly-instantly convert part of a foe's potential energy into kinetic energy, directing it upward. The affected foe will be knocked into the air and suffer from smashing damage as they come crashing back down to the ground. The portion of energy converted will also be lost to them, reducing their damage potential. Additionally, this power will bring flying enemies to the ground. |Moderate |Fast |accuracy, damage, knockback, endurance, recharge, range; ranged_damage, knockback, universal_damage |accuracy:1.0;endurance:6.864;range:80;vector:Ranged, Smashing;damage:40.373; |* 40.373 points of Smashing Damage to target * 12.463 magnitude Knockup to target * -160% Fly to target for 10s * -7% Damage to target for 10s {zero-point-energy |Zero-Point Energy |(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage-over-Time (Smashing, Energy), Hold, -Damage |hold |single_target |Forces a targeted foe's energy state to its minimum, removing all motion from their body. The affected foe is held in place, unable to act, and suffers moderate smashing and energy damage over time as the atmosphere bears down on them while their body cannot push back. |Moderate |Moderate |accuracy, damage, hold, endurance, recharge, range; ranged_damage, hold, universal_damage |accuracy:1.2;range:80;damage:30.5856;recharge:8.0;endurance:8.528;vector:Ranged, Energy; |* 15.2928 points of Smashing Damage over 4.2s * 15.2928 points of Energy Damage over 4.2s * 3 magnitude Hold to target for 22.35s * -7% Damage to target for 10s {obstruction-field |Obstruction Field |(Ranged Cone) Foe Minor Damage-over-Time (Smashing, Energy), Immobilize, -Damage, -Fly |immobilize |cone |You saturate an area with free-flowing power, creating a zone of dense energy. Foes in the affected area will be immobilized, unable to move or fly but still able to attack, though with reduced force. The excess energy in the area will also deal minor smashing and energy damage over time. Stronger foes may be able to resist the effects of the field. |Minor |Moderate |accuracy, damage, immobilize, endurance, recharge, range; ranged_aoe_damage, immobilize, universal_damage |damage:7.95236;range:60;accuracy:1.0;arc:60;endurance:15.6;recharge:8;vector:AOE, Energy;targets:16; |* 3.97618 points of Smashing Damage over 5.2s * 3.97618 points of Energy Damage over 5.2s * 3 magnitude Immobilize to target for 27.938s * -7% Damage to target for 10s * -160% Fly to target for 10s {reflecting-blast |Reflecting Blast |(Ranged Chain) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockdown, -Damage |chain |taoe |Fires a bolt of energy that rebounds multiple times, damaging and knocking down multiple enemies in succession. The bolt steals some energy from the foes it bounces off of, reducing their damage capabilitiy for a time after striking. |Minor |Moderate |accuracy, damage, knockback, endurance, recharge, range; ranged_damage, knockback, universal_damage |accuracy:1.0;range:80;recharge:8.0;endurance:10.4;vector:Ranged, Energy;damage:9.1757; |* Create pseudopet Reflecting Blast Jump for 4s: * 4.58785 points of Smashing Damage to target * 4.58785 points of Energy Damage to target * 0.66 magnitude Knockdown to target * -7% Damage to target for 10s {concussive-burst |Concussive Burst |(PBAOE) Foe Knockback, Disorient, -Damage |disorient |pbaoe |Unleashes a powerful burst of energy that propagates in the air around you. The rapidly-expanding wall of force is strong enough to both knock foes back and disorient them simultaneously. The sonic boom this creates also disappates some energy from affected foes' bodies, reducing their damage potential for a time. |- |Slow |accuracy, disorient, knockback, endurance, recharge; disorient, knockback |recharge:45;accuracy:0.8;radius:25;endurance:10.4;vector:AOE;targets:16; |* 5.193 magnitude Knockback to target * 3.0 magnitude Disorient to target for 18.625s * -7% Damage to target for 10s {energy-vacuum |Energy Vacuum |(Ranged AOE) Foe Hold, -Damage |hold |taoe |You rapidly push the energy out from around a targeted foe, creating a space devoid of any motion. Foes caught in the vacuum will be completely unable to move or act until the energy around them flows back in, and even then with reduced damage potential. |- |Very Long |accuracy, hold, endurance, recharge, range; hold |range:80;accuracy:0.8;recharge:240;endurance:15.6;vector:AOE;radius:20;targets:16; |* 3.0 magnitude Hold to target for 14.9s * -7% Damage to target for 10s {quantum-entanglement |Quantum Entanglement |[Toggle] (PBAOE) Foe Chance for Minor Energy Damage (Special); Self Heal (Special - per foe) |transfer |pbaoe |While active, you become entangled with any nearby foes. Damage you suffer will be partially reflected back at foes standing too close to you in the form of energy. Additionally, any healing those same foes receive will be partly carried over to you as well.[br][br][i](NOTE: Functionally, this power deals damage every refresh period if you were hit and grants nearby foes a temporary power that deals healing to you when they receive healing.)[/i] |- |Moderate |accuracy, endurance, recharge, damage, heal; healing, accurate_healing, melee_aoe_damage, universal_damage |accuracy:1.0;period:2.0;endurance:1.04/s;recharge:20;vector:AOE, Energy;radius:20;targets:16; |* 7.6464 points of Energy Damage to target (when damaged) * Grant power Heal Entanglement to target for 4.0s: * 7.6464 points of Healing to target (when healed) {entropic-force |Entropic Force |(Location) Summon Pet (Living Entropy) |summon_1 |summon |You create a living nexus of chaotic energy. The creature will attack alongside you, knocking down or holding foes. It cannot be healed, except by its own Quantum Entanglement, but is somewhat resilient to damage and mez effects. Type "/release_pets" in the chat window to release all your pets. |- |Very Long |accuracy, damage, hold, knockback, endurance, recharge, range; pet_damage, recharge_intensive_pets, hold, knockback, universal_damage |range:60;recharge:240;endurance:20.8; |* Create pet Living Entropy {nodisplay-resistance |Resistance |[Auto] Self +Resistance (All), +Protection (Disorient, Hold, Immobilize, Knockback, Sleep), -Regeneration, -Healing |shield_physical |self |-|-|- {nodisplay-fly |Fly |[Auto] Self +Fly |fly |https://archive.paragonwiki.com/w/images//d/d8/Flight_TravelFlight.png |-|-|- {nodisplay-repel |Repel |[Auto] (PBAOE) Foe Knockback, Repel |knockback |https://archive.paragonwiki.com/w/images//5/51/KineticBoost_Repel.png |-|-|- {{Controller, Dominator |primary {photon-bombardment|1 {force-lift|2 {zero-point-energy|3 {reflecting-blast|4 {obstruction-field|5 {concussive-burst|6 {energy-vacuum|7 {quantum-entanglement|8 {entropic-force|9 {{Living Entropy |pet {nodisplay-resistance|- {nodisplay-fly|- {quantum-entanglement|- {zero-point-energy|- {reflecting-blast|-