{{Gizmos (Tech Blast) |dark filter:hue-rotate(180deg) saturate(0.2); |filter:hue-rotate(0deg) saturate(0.8); |You are armed with a set of gadgets that are infused with advanced technology, arcane enchantments, or even your own reality-warping essence. The effects of your gadgets are varied and potent in addition to dealing respectable damage. {tranq-dart |Tranq Dart |(Ranged) Foe Minor Damage (Lethal, Toxic), Chance to Sleep |ranged_small |single_target |You fire a dart filled with a powerful tranquilizer that deals minor lethal and toxic damage to your foe and has a chance to put them to sleep. |Minor |Fast |accuracy, damage, endurance, recharge, range, sleep; ranged_damage, universal_damage, sleep {repulsing-blast |Repulsing Blast |(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockback |ranged_medium |single_target |You blast your foe with a repulsive energy wave. The impact deals moderate smashing and energy damage and knocks your foe off of their feet. |Moderate |Moderate |accuracy, damage, endurance, recharge, range, knockback; ranged_damage, universal_damage, knockback {suppressive-fire |Suppressive Fire |(Ranged Cone) Foe Moderate Damage (Lethal), -Movement |damage |cone |Lays down suppressive fire that restricts enemy movement and deals moderate damage over time. |Moderate |Slow |accuracy, damage, endurance, range, recharge, slow; universal_damage, ranged_aoe_damage, slow {recalibrate |Recalibrate |Self +Tohit, +Damage |buff_accuracy |self |[aim] |- |Slow |tohit_buff, endurance, recharge; tohit_buff |recharge:90;endurance:5.2; |* +50% Tohit to self for 10s * +62.5% Damage to self for 10s {electric-shock |Electric Shock |(Ranged) Foe High Damage (Energy), -Endurance, -Recovery, Chance to Hold |ranged_large |single_target |Sends out an extremely powerful jolt of electricity that deals high energy damage and has a chance to hold your foe. The affected foe will also have a portion of their endurance drained and be unable to recover endurance briefly. |High |Slow |accuracy, damage, endurance, endmod, recharge, range, hold; ranged_damage, universal_damage, hold, endmod |accuracy:1.0;range:80;recharge:12;endurance:11.856;vector:Ranged, Energy; |* 142.6402 points of Energy Damage to foe * -20% Endurance to foe * -100% Recovery to foe for 8s * 3 magnitude Hold to foe for 8s (20% chance) {ball-bearing-caltrops |Ball-Bearing Caltrops |(Location AOE) Foe Minor Damage-over-Time (Smashing), -Movement, -Recharge, Chance to Knockdown |slow_movement |summon_aoe |Deploys a field of ball-bearings that have a high chance to trip foes, causing minor damage as they fall. Even when enemies are able to maintaing their footing, they will suffer from reduced movement speed and recharge rates. |Minor |Long |accuracy, damage, endurance, recharge, range, knockback; universal_damage, ranged_aoe_damage, knockback {piercing-laser |Piercing Laser |(Snipe Cone) Foe Superior Damage (Energy), -Defense |snipe |cone |Charges up a high-powered laser and fires it at a targeted foe. Any foes caught between you and your target are also likely to be hit. Any enemies hit by the laser take superior energy damage and have their defense lowered for a time. |Superior |Long |accuracy, damage, endurance, range, recharge, defense_debuff; universal_damage, ranged_damage, snipe_damage, defense_debuff, accurate_defense_debuff {micro-missile-barrage |Micro-Missile Barrage |(Ranged AOE) Foe Moderate Damage (Heat, Energy), -Defense |damage |taoe |Unleashes a swarm of micro-missiles on a group of foes, dealing moderate heat and energy damage from the repeated explosions and lowering all affected enemies' defenses. |Moderate |Slow |accuracy, damage, endurance, range, recharge, defense_debuff; universal_damage, ranged_aoe_damage, defense_debuff, accurate_defense_debuff {black-hole-grenade |Black Hole Grenade |(Location AOE) Foe Extreme Damage (Smashing, Energy), Draw-in, Immobilize, -Movement |damage_extreme |summon_aoe |Tosses a grenade at a targeted location. When the grenade explodes, it creates a micro-singularity that draws in nearby enemies. Affected foes suffer extreme damage over time from the crushing gravitational forces as they are clustered together, unable to escape the area. Even foes strong enough to resist immobilization will move with reduced speed. |Extreme |Very Long |accuracy, damage, endurance, range, recharge, immobilize, slow; universal_damage, ranged_aoe_damage, immobilize, slow {{Blaster, Defender, Corruptor |shared {tranq-dart|1 {repulsing-blast|2 {suppressive-fire|3 {recalibrate|4 {electric-shock|5 {ball-bearing-caltrops|6 {piercing-laser|7 {micro-missile-barrage|8 {black-hole-grenade|9