{{Insect Control
|normal filter:hue-rotate(90deg) saturate(0.8);
|filter:hue-rotate(30deg) saturate(1.2);
|You control swarms of insects and similar creatures, and are able to command them to attack your foes. Alternatively, You may be a large insect or insect-like being yourself. (NOTE: This powerset has power customization options to summon swarms of insects -OR- to act as a giant insect yourself, for people who are insectophobic/arachnophobic. It would do well to include an option to turn off insect swarm effects for other people's powers as well.)
|Insect Stings
|(Ranged) Foe Minor Damage-over-Time (Lethal, Toxic), Immobilize, -Fly, -Movement, -Recharge
|Stings your opponent multiple times, causing minor lethal and toxic damage as well as immobilizing them. Stronger foes may be able to resist the immobilization but will still suffer from reduced movement speed and recharge rate. The sudden cluster of incoming stingers is enough to knock flying foes out of the air.
|Spider Silk
|(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage-over-Time (Smashing), Hold, -Movement, -Recharge, -Fly, -Jump
|Wraps an enemy in layers of strong spider silk, holding them in place. Foes suffer moderate smashing damage over time as their body is constricted, unable to move or act. Even if your enemy is able to break free from the bonds, their movement and recharge will continue to be impeded for a time.
|(Ranged AOE) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing), Immobilize, -Movement, -Jump
|Creates a cave-in beneath a group of foes, caused by tunneling termites. The initial fall deals minor damage to all enemies in the affected area, while the crumbled terrain effectively immobilizes them. The collapsed earth will continue to hamper enemy movement and prevent them from jumping for a time.
|Flea Colony
|(Ranged Cone) Foe Sleep, -Tohit, -Defense
|Plagues a group of foes with fleas. Affected targets are effectively slept as they stop what they are doing to scratch, though they will resume attacking you if attacked. Even then, the incessant itching will make it harder to concentrate, effectively reducing their chance to hit and defenses. This attack deals no damage.
|Moth Dust
|(Ranged) Foe Confuse; (Ranged AOE) Foe -Resistance (Mez)
|You cover an enemy in dust-like moth scales. The dust is sufficient to confuse your targeted foe, causing them to witlessly attack allies for a time. The scales that comprise the dust will also cause skin irritation to enemies around the affected target, reducing their resistance to all types of mez for a time.
|Cloud of Flies
|(Ranged AOE) Foe Minor Damage-over-Time (Toxic), Disorient, -Regeneration, -Fly
|You sic a cloud of flies on a group of foes. The filth and acid left by the flies are potent enough to deal minor toxic damage over time and halt affected foes' regeneration rate. Moreover, enemies will be fully occupied trying to swat away the flies, becoming too disoriented to act against you. Flying enemies will be overwhelmed and drop out of the sky.
|(Location AOE) Foe Fear, -Movement, -Tohit
|Brings forth a mound of insects at a targeted location. The mere sight of the infestation is sufficient to stop many foes dead in their tracks, too afraid to move or attack unless attacked. Foes that are in the area - or that enter the area - will be forced to move slowly and more cautiously and many will be too distracted to aim properly.
|Fire Ants
|(Ranged AOE) Foe Minor Damage-over-Time (Lethal), Hold
|Overruns a group of foes with a colony of fire ants. While the ants' bites only deal minor lethal damage over time, the pain they cause is overwhelming enough to stop many foes dead in their tracks, unable to move or act as they writhe on the floor.
|Very Long
|Summon Swarms
|[Defeated enemy] (Ranged) Summon Pet (Insect Swarm, scales w/ enemy rank)
|Births a swarm of flying insects from the body of a defeated enemy. The number of swarms spawned increases with enemy rank; 1 for minions and below, 2 for lietuenants, and 3 for bosses and above. Insect swarm(s) rush towards the nearest foe, stinging all enemies around them for constant damage over time and slowing both their movement and recharge. These swarms eventually die off on their own but the number of swarms you can have summoned at a time is limited only by your recharge rate.
|[Auto] Self +Resistance (Smashing, Lethal), -Resistance (Heat, Cold, Energy), +Fly, +Protection (Immobilize)
|[Auto] (PBAOE) Foe Minor Damage-over-Time (Lethal), -Movement, -Recharge
{{Controller, Dominator
{{Insect Swarm