{{Creative Control
|normal filter:brightness(0.9);
|filter:hue-rotate(200deg) saturate(0.3);
|You are the writer, director, and/or producer of your own fictional universe. As such, you are able to manipulate the universe and its production as you see fit. All the world's a stage and everyone in it is your production staff or actors. (NOTE: This is a joke set.)
|Creativity Leash
|(Ranged) Foe Minor Damage Over Time (Smashing), Immobilize
|You hold sway over the creative process. You can direct others to pause production at your discretion. This authority can be rather constrictive.
|Word of God
|(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage over Time (Psionic), Hold, -Damage
|Word of God comes from your authority over the fictional world of your creation. Such edicts can even hold people against events as were broadcast. It can be quite harmful but judicious use can reduce the potential for further damage from the fandom.
|Cutting Room Floor
|(Ranged AOE) Foe Minor Damage (Negative), Immobilize
|Plenty of footage is trimmed from any work to make it fit runtime limitations. At the creator's discretion, these clips can be disseminated and eventually reach the public. By and large these clips are unnecessary footage that can kill the story's pacing.
|(Ranged Chain) Foe Moderate Damage (Energy), Draw-in
|Forces cast and crew back together to re-record
|Channel Hop
|(Location AOE) Foe Chance for Minor Damage (Psionic),Teleport, Sleep, -Recharge, -Movement
|Moves your production to a different network. In doing so, production slows to a crawl for a time as management restructures. There's also a fair amount of stress this puts on the production team.
|(Ranged AOE) Foe Minor Damage (Psionic), Fear, -Tohit
|You can blank out things not meant to corrupt sensitive eyes and ears. Stronger-willed individuals may be able to bypass the filter but generally only in retaliation. Even then, their statements may still not land.
|(Location AOE) Foe Chance for Minor Damage (Smashing/Lethal/Heat/Cold/Energy/Negative/Toxic/Psionic), Chance to Confuse, Chance to Disorient, Chance to Knockdown, Chance to Placate, Chance to Sleep
|You exploit any mistake that occurs in filming or production, whether it be a continuity error between shots, a misspoken line or typo, a wrong sound or special effect, some kind of malfunction in the equipment, etc. Though the effects of bloopers can be wild and varied, their pervasiveness makes it easy to sew chaos on-set. Some various types of minor workplace injuries are also entirely in the realm of possiblity.
|Final Say
|(Ranged AOE) Foe Hold
|You, ultimately, hold the final say on production. At your word, all work comes to a complete stop. Pulling rank like this wears off eventually but not one person moves without your permission for a time while it lasts.
|Director's Cut
|(Location) Summon Pet (Director's Cut)
|The director's cut is your brainchild. It comes with additional footage, an improved musical score, and refined visual effects. You can only have one Director's Cut at a time; if you attempt to summon another, it will replace your current one.
|Very long
|[Auto] Sefl +Resistance (Smashing, Lethal, Energy), +Fly, +Protection (Immobilize)
|Extended Runtime
|[Auto] (PBAOE) Foe -Movement, -Recharge
|Impassioned Serenade
|(Ranged) Foe Confuse, Special Damage over Time (Psionic)
|Remastered Effects
|(Ranged Cone) Foe Minor Damage (Energy), -Tohit
{{Controller, Dominator
{{Director's Cut