{{Medieval Assault |dark filter:hue-rotate(200deg) saturate(0.2); |filter:hue-rotate(200deg) saturate(0.2); |You are a master of medieval weapons. The broad sword, battle axe, war mace, and crossbow are all at your disposal and each is wielded with deadly proficiency. Medieval Assault allows you to swap between the three melee weapons to pick which secondary effect your melee powers have. {crossbow-bolt |Crossbow Bolt |(Ranged) Foe Minor Damage (Lethal), -Defense/Chance to Knockdown/Chance to Disorient |ranged_small |single_target |A quick attack that fires a crossbow bolt at your foe after only minimal aiming. Fast but little damage. |Minor |Fast {slash |Slash |(Melee) Foe Moderate Damage (Lethal/Smashing), -Defense/Chance to Knockdown/Chance to Disorient |melee_medium |single_target |This attack causes moderate damage but has a quick recharge time. While wielding your broad sword, this attack deals lethal damage and reduces your target's defense, making them easier to hit; while wielding your battle axe, this attack becomes Chop which deals lethal damage and can knock down your target; while wielding your war mace, this attack becomes Bash which deals smashing damage and can sometimes disorient your opponent. |Moderate |Fast {aimed-bolt |Aimed Bolt |(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage (Lethal), -Defense |ranged_medium |single_target |Though it takes longer to execute, Aimed Bolt deals greater damage than Crossbow Bolt. |Moderate |Moderate {slice |Slice |(Melee Cone) Foe Moderate Damage (Lethal/Smashing), -Defense/Chance to Knockdown/Chance to Disorient |damage |cone |This attack deals less damage than Slash but can hit multiple foes. While wielding your broad sword, this attack deals lethal damage and reduces enemy defense; while wielding your battle axe, this attack becomes Pendulum which deals lethal damage and has a chance to knock enemies down; while wielding your war mace, this attack becomes Crowd Control which deals smashing damage and has a chance to knock enemies down. |Moderate |Moderate {master-at-arms-base |Master At Arms |Self +Damage, +Accuracy; [Auto] Self Grant Powers (Wield Axe, Wield Mace) |buff_damage |self |[build-up] Taking this power also grants you access to Wield Axe and Wield Mace. Toggling these powers will swap which medieval weapon you wield, changing the secondary effect of your melee powers and potentially changing their damage type as well. These toggles are mutually exclusive and only one can be active at a time. If neither toggle is active, your melee powers will remain Broad Sword attacks. |- |- {master-at-arms-wield-axe |Wield Axe |[Toggle] Self +Special (Battle Axe) |knockdown |self |Changes your melee powers in Medieval Assault to Battle Axe powers. Battle Axe powers continue to deal lethal damage but their defense debuff is replaced by a chance to knock enemies down. |- |Very Fast {master-at-arms-wield-mace |Wield Mace |[Toggle] Self +Special (War Mace) |disorient |self |Changes your melee powers in Medieval Assault to War Mace powers. War Mace powers deal smashing damage instead of lethal and have a chance to disorient foes instead of reducing defense. |- |Very Fast {whirling-sword |Whirling Sword |(PBAOE) Foe Moderate Damage (Lethal/Smashing), -Defense/Chance to Knockdown/Chance to Disorient |damage |pbaoe |You perform a whirling attack maneuver, striking all foes in melee range. While wielding your broad sword, this attack deals lethal damage and reduces enemy defenses; while wielding your battle axe, this attack becomes Whirling Axe which deals lethal damage and has a chance to knock foes over; while wielding your war mace, this attack becomes Whirling Mace which deals smashing damage and has a chance to disorient foes. |Moderate |Slow {wide-area-net |Wide-Area Net |(Ranged AOE) Foe Immobilize, -Movement, -Fly |immobilize |taoe |You cast a large net on a group of foes, snaring them in place. Affected foes may be immobilized, able to attack but unable to move. Foes that are not immobilized will still move with impeded speed. Additionally, flying enemies hit by the net will be grounded and unable to fly for a time. |- |Slow {heated-bolt |Heated Bolt |(Ranged Cone) Foe High Damage (Lethal, Heat), -Defense |ranged_large |single_target |Fires a pre-heated bolt from your crossbow. This red-hot bolt has the ability to pierce through multiple foes on its way to your target, dealing lethal and heat damage to each and reducing the defense of all affected enemies. |High |Slow {disembowel |Disembowel |(Melee) Foe Superior Damage (Lethal/Smashing), -Defense/Chance to Knockup |knockup |single_target |You perform a powerful strike that deals a great amount of damage and can knock up a foe. While wielding your broad sword, this attack deals lethal damage and also reduces your enemy's defense; while wielding your battle axe, this attack deals lethal damage and has a higher chance to knock your enemy upward; while wielding your war mace, this attack deals smashing damage and has a higher chance to knock your enemy upward. |Superior |Slow {{Dominator |secondary {crossbow-bolt|1 {slash|2 {aimed-bolt|3 {slice|4 {master-at-arms-base|5 {master-at-arms-wield-axe|- {master-at-arms-wield-mace|- {whirling-sword|6 {wide-area-net|7 {heated-bolt|8 {disembowel|9