{{Physics Manipulation |normal filter:hue-rotate(170deg) saturate(0.9); |filter:hue-rotate(220deg); |You are able to manipulate kinetic energy to attack or ensnare your foes. {crush |Crush |(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage-over-Time (Smashing), Immobilize, -Fly, -Movement |immobilize |single_target |Creates a localized gravitational field strong enough to immobilize a single foe. Crush can also bring down flying entities. This power deals smashing damage over time and can slow the movement of targets in its grasp. |Moderate |Fast {body-blow |Body Blow |(Melee) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Energy), Chance to Disorient, -Damage |melee_medium |single_target |A powerful but slow strike. Body blow is capable of occasionally stunning an opponent. |Moderate |Moderate {gravitic-thrust |Gravitic Thrust |(Melee) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockback |knockback |single_target |Negates the gravity around a single target and sends them flying. Deals minimal damage but can be very effective. |Minor |Moderate {repulsing-torrent |Repulsing Torrent |(Ranged Cone) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Energy), Chance to Knockback |knockback |cone |Repulsing Torrent unleashes a cone of powerful energy that can smash foes and possibly send them flying. |Moderate |Slow {siphon-power |Siphon Power |(Ranged) Foe -Damage; (PBAOE) Ally/Self +Damage |buff_damage |single_target |You can siphon the power from a targeted foe, reducing their damage potential. The power is transferred back to you, increasing your own damage potential and that of all nearby allies. |- |Slow {repel |Repel |[Toggle] (PBAOE) Foe Repel, Chance to Knockback; Self -Endurance (per foe) |knockback |pbaoe |Repel creates a zone of kinetic energy that violently repels nearby foes. Each enemy that is repelled costs additional endurance. |- |Slow {rift |Rift |(Ranged) Foe Teleport, Disorient, Knockdown |teleport_1 |single_target |You can open a gravitational rift behind a targeted foe and violently push them through it. The victim is sent flying out the other end of the rift and is left disoriented. You determine the location of the rift's end and can place it high in the air if desired. More powerful foes may be resistant to the rift's effect. |- |Slow {transference |Transference |(Ranged) Foe -Endurance; (Ranged AOE) Ally/Self +Endurance |boost_endurance |taoe |Transference drains an enemy of some of their endurance and transfers that endurance to all allies near the affected foe. You can use transference to recover endurance for yourself as well as your allies. |- |Slow {burst |Burst |(PBAOE) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Energy), Chance to Knockdown, -Damage |damage |pbaoe |By focusing your energy into the muscles in your arms, you can launch a dizzying flurry of attacks against every foe in melee range. Some foes may be hit hard enough to be knocked down as well. |Moderate |Slow {{Blaster |secondary {crush|1 {body-blow|2 {gravitic-thrust|3 {repulsing-torrent|4 {siphon-power|5 {repel|6 {rift|7 {transference|8 {burst|9