{{Polearm |dark filter:hue-rotate(200deg) saturate(0.3); |filter:hue-rotate(0) saturate(1.5); |You wield a polearm - a regal trident, a powerful scythe, or a trusty spear. Attacks from the weapon will puncture armor and skin, causing extra bleeding damage over time. |[*] Posted this power set as a suggestion on the City of Heroes: Homecoming forums here. {pierce |Pierce |(Melee) Foe Minor Damage (Lethal, ignores resistance), Minor DOT (Lethal) |melee_medium |single_target |You thrust your weapon at a foe to puncture through any armor they may have. The damage done by this attack ignores most types of damage resistance. |Moderate |Fast |accuracy, damage, endurance, recharge; universal_damage, melee_damage |accuracy:1.05;range:7;recharge:5.0;endurance:6.032;vector:Melee, Lethal; |* 52.5517 points of Lethal Damage to target * 13.13802 points of Lethal Damage to target over 2.1s (ignores resistance) {rend |Rend |(Melee) Foe Moderate Damage (Lethal), -Resistance (All), Minor DOT (Lethal) |debuff_defense |single_target |You strike at a foe using your weapon's leverage to cleave through or pop off armor, dealing high damage and lowering their damage resistance for a time. |High |Moderate |accuracy, damage, endurance, recharge; universal_damage, melee_damage |accuracy:1.05;range:7;recharge:8.0;endurance:8.528;vector:Melee, Lethal; |* 102.6009 points of Lethal Damage to target * -7.5% Damage Resistance to target for 8s * 19.39422 points of Lethal Damage to target over 3.1s (ignores resistance if Honed Edge status) {carve |Carve |(Melee Cone) Foe Moderate Damage (Lethal), Minor DOT (Lethal) |damage |cone |Slice at all foes in a large cone in front of you, dealing moderate damage and causing them to bleed for additional lethal damage over time. |Moderate |Moderate |accuracy, damage, endurance, recharge; universal_damage, melee_aoe_damage |accuracy:1.05;range:7;recharge:8.0;endurance:8.528;vector:Area, Lethal;arc:130;targets:5; |* 76.9506 points of Lethal Damage to target * 19.39422 points of Lethal Damage to target over 3.1s (ignores resistance if Honed Edge status) {hone-blade |Hone Blade |Self +Damage, +Tohit, +Special |buff_damage |self |Straightens your weapon's blade, greatly increasing your damage and chance to hit for a short time. Additionally, your bleed damage will ignore most types of damage resistance during this period. |- |Long |tohit_buff, endurance, recharge; tohit_buff |recharge:90;endurance:5.2; |* +100% Damage to self for 10s * +20% Tohit to self for 10s * Grant status Honed Edge to self for 10s {build-up |Build Up |Self +Damage, +Tohit |buff_damage |self |[build-up] |- |Long |tohit_buff, endurance, recharge; tohit_buff |recharge:90;endurance:5.2; |* +100% Damage to self for 10s * +20% Tohit to self for 10s {crescent-slash |Crescent Slash |(PBAOE) Foe Moderate Damage (Lethal), Chance to Knockdown, Minor DOT (Lethal) |damage |pbaoe |You lash at all foes around you with one large swing, dealing moderate damage and possibly knocking them off their feet. |Moderate |Slow |accuracy, damage, endurance, recharge; universal_damage, melee_aoe_damage |accuracy:1.05;recharge:14;endurance:13.52;vector:Area, Lethal;radius:8;targets:10; |* 73.8226 points of Lethal Damage to target * 19.39422 points of Lethal Damage to target over 3.1s (ignores resistance if Honed Edge status) * 0.67 magnitude Knockback to target (50% chance) {confront |Confront |(Ranged) Foe Taunt, -Range |taunt |single_target |[confront] |- |Fast |taunt, recharge, range, accuracy; taunt |accuracy:Autohit;range:70;recharge:3.0;endurance:0;vector:Ranged; |* 4 magnitude Taunt to target for 23.1s * -75% Range to target for 12s {taunt |Taunt |(Ranged AOE) Foe Taunt, -Range |taunt |taoe |[taunt] |- |Fast |taunt, recharge, range, accuracy; taunt |accuracy:Autohit;range:70;recharge:10;endurance:0;vector:Area; |* 4 magnitude Taunt to target for 41s * -75% Range to target for 12s {placate |Placate |(Ranged) Foe Placate, Self +Hide |placate |single_target |[placate] |- |Long |taunt, recharge, range, accuracy; taunt |accuracy:1.0;range:60;recharge:60;endurance:0;vector:Ranged; |* 4 magnitude Placate to target for 20.5s * +150 feet Stealth to self for 10s {assassins-reap |Assassin's Reap |(Melee) Foe Special Damage (Lethal) |assassin_strike |single_target |[assassin-strike] |Special |Slow |accuracy, damage, endurance, recharge; universal_damage, melee_damage |accuracy:1.2;range:7;interrupt:2.0;recharge:15;endurance:14.352;vector:Melee, Lethal; |* 139.0255 points of Lethal Damage to target * 250.2459 points of Lethal Damage to taret (if Hidden) * 153.4842 points of Lethal Damage to target (33.3% chance per stack of Assassin's Focus) {guillotine |Guillotine |(Melee) Foe Superior Damage (Smashing, Lethal), Disorient, Minor DOT (Lethal) |disorient |single_target |You bring your weapon straight down with full force on a single foe, dealing superior damage and stunning them in the process. |Superior |Slow |accuracy, damage, endurance, recharge, disorient; universal_damage, melee_damage, disorient |accuracy:1.05;range:7;recharge:10;endurance:10.192;vector:Melee, Lethal; |* 61.31025 points of Smashing Damage to target * 61.31025 points of Lethal Damage to target * 19.39422 points of Lethal Damage to target over 3.1s (ignores resistance if Honed Edge status) * 3 magnitude Disorient to target for 5.96s {javelin |Javelin |(Narrow Ranged Cone) Foe High Damage (Lethal), Knockdown, Minor DOT (Lethal) |knockdown |cone |You launch your polearm with incredible force, dealing damage and knocking down both your intended target and anyone unfortunate enough to be in your weapon's flight path. |High |Slow |accuracy, damage, range, endurance, recharge, knockback; universal_damage, ranged_aoe_damage, knockback |accuracy:1.0;range:40;recharge:15;endurance:14.352;vector:Area, Lethal;targets:5;arc:5.0; |* 102.6009 points of Lethal Damage to target * 19.39422 points of Lethal Damage to target over 3.1s (ignores resistance if Honed Edge status) * 0.67 magnitude Knockback to target {plunge |Plunge |(Ranged) Foe Extreme Damage (Lethal), Immobilize, Minor DOT (Lethal); Self Teleport |teleport_attack |single_target |You dive directly at a targeted foe and plunge your weapon into them on impact. This attack deals extreme damage to your target, closes even large gaps between you and them, and pins them in place. |Extreme |Slow |accuracy, damage, range, endurance, recharge, immobilize; universal_damage, ranged_aoe_damage, immobilize |accuracy:1.0;range:70;recharge:40;endurance:17.58;vector:Ranged, Lethal; |* 162.6599 points of Lethal Damage to target * 19.39422 points of Lethal Damage to target over 3.1s (ignores resistance if Honed Edge status) * 3 magnitude Immobilize to target for 10s * Teleport self {{Scrapper |primary {pierce|1 {rend|2 {carve|3 {hone-blade|4 {crescent-slash|5 {confront|6 {guillotine|7 {javelin|8 {plunge|9 {{Tanker |secondary {pierce|1 {rend|2 {carve|3 {taunt|4 {crescent-slash|5 {hone-blade|6 {guillotine|7 {javelin|8 {plunge|9 {{Brute |primary {pierce|1 {rend|2 {carve|3 {hone-blade|4 {crescent-slash|5 {taunt|6 {guillotine|7 {javelin|8 {plunge|9 {{Stalker |primary {pierce|1 {rend|2 {carve|3 {assassins-reap|4 {build-up|5 {placate|6 {guillotine|7 {javelin|8 {plunge|9