{{Water Affinity (Scrapped) |normal filter:hue-rotate(230deg); |filter:hue-rotate(-50deg) saturate(1); |You have an affinity for water, able to produce wellsprings of fresh and salt water to support your allies and hinder your enemies.[br][br]This power set has been scrapped as [i]City of Heroes: Homecoming[/i] has implemented their own version of the set under Marine Affinity. |[*] Posted as a suggested power set on the City of Heroes: Homecoming forums here. {hot-spring |Hot Spring |(PBAOE) Ally/Self Heal |boost_health |pbaoe |You can create a warm spring around you that heals the wounds of you and your allies. |- |Moderate |endurance, recharge, heal; healing {seafoam |Seafoam |(Ranged Cone) Foe -Movement, -Resistance, -Fly, -Jump |slow_movement |cone |Spreads a large patch of seafoam in a cone in front of you. The foam clings to enemies, slowing their movement and reducing their damage resistance. Affected targets cannot jump or fly for a time as well. |- |Slow |accuracy, endurance, range, recharge, slow; slow {mineral-bath |Mineral Bath |(Ranged) Ally Heal |boost_health |single_target |Heals a single, targeted ally by bathing them in mineral-rich water. You cannot use this power to heal yourself. |- |Fast |endurance, range, recharge, heal; healing {humidity |Humidity |[Toggle] (Ranged AOE) Foe -Resistance |debuff_defense |taoe |Creates an area of high humitity around a targeted ally that oxidizes enemy defenses, reducing affected foes' damage resistance. This area will remain in effect for as long as you keep the power active and move with the ally you have it anchored to. (Note that aggro for the aura defers to you, not the ally it's anchored to.) |- |Moderate |endurance, recharge; none {cleanse |Cleanse |(Ranged) Ally +Protection (Confuse, Disorient, Fear, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep), +Perception |mez_protection |single_target |By cleansing an ally with pristine water, you can free them from any confuse, disorient, fear, hold, immobilize, and sleep effects leave them resistant to such effects for a good while as well as increasing their perception. The mez protection will improve with multiple applications and as you advance in level. |- |Fast |endurance, range, recharge; none {breakwater |Breakwater |[Toggle] (PBAOE) Ally/Self +Resistance (All but Toxic), +Protection (Disorient, Hold, Immobilize) |buff_defense |pbaoe |While active, you project a field that reduces the force of incoming attacks. This creates an area of calm water around you that increases the damage resistance of you and your allies against all types of damage except toxic. The serenity within this area even protects against psionic damage. Additionally, you and your allies will be protected from disorient, immobilize, and hold effects. |- |Slow |endurance, recharge, resistance; resistance {halocline |Halocline |(Ranged AOE) Foe Sleep, -Defense |sleep |taoe |You create a stark difference in salinity in the area around a targeted foe. Any foes inside of the area will be trapped by the difference in pressure, preventing them from moving or attacking. The containment is fragile, however, and enemies will break free if attacked or otherwise damaged. Even if enemies are freed, their defense will still be hindered by the salt stuck to their bodies. |- |Slow |accuracy, endurance, range, recharge, sleep, defense_debuff; sleep, defense_debuff, accurate_defense_debuff {tidepools |Tidepools |(Location AOE) Ally/Self +Regeneration, +Endurance Discount |buff_regeneration |summon_aoe |You can create up to three tide pools at locations of your choosing. Each pool boosts the regeneration rate of you and any allies while standing in them as well as providing a discount to the endurance cost of all powers. These bonuses stack so you can choose to pile them all on one spot for a larger boost, spread them across a larger area to cover more allies in a league, or meter them out to keep their effects going over a longer period of time. |- |Very Long |endurance, range, recharge, endmod, heal; endmod, healing {tsunami |Tsunami |(Ranged Cone) Foe Knockback, Disorient, -Defense, -Resistance, -Movement, -Recharge |knockback |cone |You unleash a massive tidal wave to wash over your foes, knocking them back and disorienting them as the water sweeps them off of their feet. Foes caught in the wave will also suffer from reduced defense, resistance, movement speed, and recharge rate for a good while. |- |Very Long |accuracy, endurance, range, recharge, disorient, defense_debuff, slow; defense_debuff, accurate_defense_debuff, slow, knockback, disorient {{Controller, Defender, Mastermind, Corruptor |shared {hot-spring|1 {seafoam|2 {mineral-bath|3 {humidity|4 {cleanse|5 {breakwater|6 {halocline|7 {tidepools|8 {tsunami|9