{{Staff Combat |pale filter:hue-rotate(50deg) saturate(0.5); |filter:hue-rotate(60deg) saturate(0.7); |You have mastered the art of staff combat, allowing you to strike at your foes. {staff-thrust |Staff Thrust |(Ranged) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing), Knockback |knockback |single_target |You fully extend your staff and release a burst of energy to strike at a distant target, dealing minor smashing damage and knocking them back. |Minor |Moderate {mercurial-blow |Mercurial Blow |(Melee) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing), -Defense |melee_small |single_target |You strike your foe with a lightning-fast blow from your staff, dealing light smashing damage. The attack is so unexpected that the target's defenses are slightly reduced for a short time. |Minor |Fast {focus-the-body |Focus the Body |Self +Damage, +Tohit |buff_damage |self |[build-up] |- |Long {precise-strike |Precise Strike |(Melee) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing), Chance to Disorient |melee_medium |single_target |You attempt to daze your foe wit ha heavy staff blow to their head. Precise Strike has a higher chance to hit than normal, deals moderate smashing damage, and has a small chance to briefly disorient the target. |Moderae |Fast {focus-the-mind |Focus the Mind |Self +Special |buff_special |self |Greatly boosts the secondary effects of your powers. Effects like healing, defense buffs, endurance drains, mez effects, and more are all improved. The effects of Power Boost only last for a few seconds, so only the next couple of powers will be boosted. |- |Long {disorienting-spin |Disorienting Spin |(PBAOE) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing), Disorient, Chance to Knockback |disorient |pbaoe |You perform a single spinning strike at the heads of all foes around you. The strike itself deals only minor damage but disorients the affected foes and may also knock them back. |Minor |Long {eye-of-the-storm |Eye of the Storm |(PBAOE) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing), Chance to Knockdown |damage |pbaoe |You strike at all nearby foes with a lightning-fast series of spins, dealing moderate damage and potentially knocking them down. (extra) |Moderate |Long {focus-the-soul |Focus the Soul |Self +Endurance Discount |buff_recovery |self |You can channel spiritual energy through your body for a short period of time. After activating this power, you expend less endurance on all other powers and boost your regeneration dramatically for a while. |- |Very Long {sky-splitter |Sky Splitter |(Melee) Foe Extreme Damage (Smashing), Knockup, Disorient |melee_large |single_target |You leap into the air and hammer your foe with an overhead bash from your staff. Sky Splitter deals extreme smashing damage, knocks the target into the air, and briefly disorients them. (extra) |- |- {{Blaster |secondary {staff-thrust|1 {mercurial-blow|2 {focus-the-body|3 {precise-strike|4 {focus-the-mind|5 {disorienting-spin|6 {eye-of-the-storm|7 {focus-the-soul|8 {sky-splitter|9