{{Temporal Blast |normal filter:hue-rotate(-100deg) saturate(0.5); |filter:hue-rotate(-150deg); |You are able to project energy through time and disrupt its flow to attack your foes. Most of your powers will inhibit your foes' ability to regenerate health for brief periods of time. {paradox-strike |Paradox Strike |(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage (Energy), -Regeneration |ranged_small |single_target |You perform a retrocausal strike on your opponent, reducing their regeneration rate as their body does not yet know it is wounded. This attack does only minor damage but has a higher base accuracy due to your foe not being able to properly guard against it. |Moderate |Fast {aging-bolt |Aging Bolt |(Ranged) Foe High Damage over Time (Negative), -Regeneration |ranged_medium |single_target |You accelerate a targeted foe's passage of time, causing them to age rapidly. The affected enemy suffers from negative damage over time and a reduced regeneration rate. |High |Moderate {time-flux |Time Flux |(Ranged Cone) Foe Minor Damage over Time (Energy), Chance to Knockdown, -Regeneration |knockback |cone |You create a wave of unstable time fluctuations that sweeps across foes within its arc. This attack deals minimal energy damage but reduces foes' regeneration rate and may knock them over. The chance is rather low but happens multiple times over the course of several seconds. |Minor |Slow {precognition |Precognition |Self +Tohit, +Damage, +Defense (All) |buff_accuracy |self |[aim] Your defense will also be boosted briefly as you perceive your foes' next few actions before they occur. |- |Long {temporal-acceleration |Temporal Acceleration |(Snipe) Foe Extreme Damage (Energy), -Regeneration |snipe |single_target |Sends out a wave of temporal energy compressed into as small a timespan as possible, dealing tremendous damage and reducing the targeted foe's regeneration rate. This is a sniper attack and deals bonus damage if not used while in combat but otherwise is instant-cast. |Extreme |Slow {latency |Latency |(Ranged Cone) Foe Minor Damage over Time (Energy), Immobilize, -Movement, -Regeneration |immobilize |cone |Slows down enemies in a cone in front of you, effectively immobilizing them and causing them to suffer from minor energy damage over time, though they can still attack. Some foes may be strong enough to resist the immobilization but will still move with reduced speed and all foes will have a reduced regeneration rate. |Minor |Slow {siphon-time |Siphon Time |(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage (Negative), -Regeneration; Self Heal |transfer |single_target |You can steal some life from a targeted foe, damaging them and reducing their regeneration. Some of the stolen life is transferred to you in the form of hit points. |Moderate |Slow {time-storm |Time Storm |(Ranged AOE) Foe Moderate Damage (Negative), -Regeneration |damage |taoe |Unleashes a whirlwind of temporal energy on a target, tearing at them and nearby foes. The time storm damages foes and reduces their regeneration rate. |Moderate |Slow {event-horizon |Event Horizon |(PBAOE) Foe Extreme Damage (Energy, Negative), -Regeneration |damage_extreme |pbaoe |Unleashes a devastating burst of temporal energy around you that tears at the borders between parallel timelines. Affected foes suffer extreme damage and have their regeneration rate severely reduced as the worst versions of their wounds are duplicated into your own reality from across the multiverse. |Extreme |Very Long {{Blaster, Defender, Corruptor |shared {paradox-strike|1 {aging-bolt|2 {time-flux|3 {precognition|4 {temporal-acceleration|5 {latency|6 {siphon-time|7 {time-storm|8 {event-horizon|9