{{Temporal Melee |dark filter:hue-rotate(280deg); |filter:hue-rotate(60deg) saturate(0.3); |You are able to manipulate time, weaving it into your hand-to-hand combat with deadly effectiveness. {sucker-punch |Sucker Punch |(Melee) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing), Special |melee_small |single_target |You send a punch through time at your targeted foe to a moment in the past or future where their guard is down. This attack does minor damage but, because they are unable to protect themself, it ignores most types of defense and damage resistance. |Minor |Fast {aging-touch |Aging Touch |(Melee) Foe Moderate Damage (Psionic), Minor Damage over Time (Psionic), -Movement, -Recharge |melee_medium |single_target |You touch an enemy and accelerate their aging process, causing exhaustion and psionic damage. Affected enemies will continue to age for a limited time, suffering psionic damage over time and a reduction in movement and recharge speeds. |Moderate |Moderate {rapid-flurry |Rapid Flurry |(Melee Cone) Foe High Damage over Time (Smashing, Energy), -Movement, -Recharge |damage |cone |You send a flurry of punches at the enemies in front of you. These blows are compressed into a small window of time, striking nearly all at once for high damage over time and leaving them with reduced movement and recharge speeds. |High |Moderate {chronos |Chronos |Self +Damage, +Accuracy, +Recharge |buff_damage |self |You distort time around you, selecting a period where your abilities are at their highest. Your damage, attack rate, and chance to hit are dramatically increased for this brief period. |- |Long {assassins-strike |Assassin's Strike |(Melee) Foe Special Damage (Smashing, Energy) |assassin_strike |single_target |[assassin-strike] |Special |Slow {build-up |Build Up |Self +Damage, +Accuracy |buff_damage |self |[build-up] |- |Long {end-of-time |End of Time |(PBAOE) Foe Moderate Damage (Cold, Energy), -Movement, -Recharge |damage |pbaoe |You open a gate in time that can suck in enemies and send them into a distant, unknown future. The affected enemies will be quickly returned to the present time but not before being temporarily exposed to radiation and the bitter cold of an empty void. |Moderate |Slow {confront |Confront |(Ranged) Foe Taunt, -Range |taunt |single_target |[confront] |- |Fast {taunt |Taunt |(Ranged AOE) Foe Taunt, -Range |taunt |taoe |[taunt] |- |Fast {placate |Placate |(Ranged) Foe Placate; Self +Stealth |placate |single_target |[placate] |- |Long {looping-strike |Looping Strike |(Ranged Chain) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Energy), -Movement, -Recharge |chain |taoe |You perform a strike that deals a moderate amount of smashing and energy damage, then reverberates through time. This attack will jump from foe to foe, attempting to repeat the same strike on each and leaving them with reduced movement and recharge speeds. |Moderate |Slow {future-pain |Future Pain |(Melee) Foe Extreme Damage (Psionic), Fear, -Movement, -Recharge |melee_large |single_target |You lay your hands on your foe to dig into their future timeline for the most painful experience they will ever go through and plant those memories in their present mind, inflicting great psionic damage. The visions of this pain may even be enough to make your foe cower in fear and leaves them slow to move and react. |Extreme |Slow {temporal-leap |Temporal Leap |(Location AOE) Foe Superior Damage (Cold, Energy), Knockdown, -Movement, -Recharge; Self Teleport |teleport_attack |summon_aoe |You charge yourself with temporal energy and make a space-time jump to a nearby location of your choosing. This jump unleashes a massive burst of energy at your destination, causing superior cold and energy damage and knocking over enemies caught in the blast as well as slowing their movement and recharge. |Superior |Slow {{Scrapper |primary {sucker-punch|1 {aging-touch|2 {rapid-flurry|3 {chronos|4 {end-of-time|5 {confront|6 {looping-strike|7 {future-pain|8 {temporal-leap|9 {{Tanker |secondary {sucker-punch|1 {aging-touch|2 {rapid-flurry|3 {taunt|4 {end-of-time|5 {chronos|6 {looping-strike|7 {future-pain|8 {temporal-leap|9 {{Brute |primary {sucker-punch|1 {aging-touch|2 {rapid-flurry|3 {chronos|4 {end-of-time|5 {taunt|6 {looping-strike|7 {future-pain|8 {temporal-leap|9 {{Stalker |primary {sucker-punch|1 {aging-touch|2 {rapid-flurry|3 {assassins-strike|4 {build-up|5 {placate|6 {looping-strike|7 {future-pain|8 {temporal-leap|9