{{Water Manipulation |normal filter:hue-rotate(220deg); |filter:hue-rotate(180deg) saturate(2); |You are able to manipulate water to damage and control your enemies. {sinkhole |Sinkhole |(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage over Time (Smashing, Cold), Immobilize, -Movement, -Recharge |immobilize |single_target |Creates a sinkhole underneath a targeted foe. The sinkhole causes minor smashing and cold damage over time as the affected foe's legs are pulled in. Stronger foes may be able to resist the immobilization but will still have a hard time walking, reducing their movement speed and recharge rate. |Moderate |Fast {aqua-strike |Aqua Strike |(Melee) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Cold), Chance for Disorient |melee_medium |single_target |You strike your foe with water, dealing moderate smashing and cold damage and potentially stunning them for a few seconds. |Moderate |Moderate {drenching-aura |Drenching Aura |[Toggle] (PBAOE) Foe Minor Damage over Time (Cold), Taunt |damage |pbaoe |While active, you emit a constant aura of fluid. The fluid drenches foes, chilling them for minor cold damage over time. |- |Fast {piston-punch |Piston Punch |(Melee) Foe High Damage (Smashing, Cold), Chance to Knockdown |melee_large |single_target |You strike your enemy with a punch boosted by a burst of water, dealing high damage and potentially knocking down your opponent. |High |Moderate {build-up |Build Pressure |Self +Damage, +To Hit |buff_damage |self |[build-up] |- |Long {water-vortex |Water Vortex |(PBAOE) Foe Moderate Damage (Cold), Draw-in |knockdown |pbaoe |You create a vortex of water around you that deals moderate damage and draws in nearby foes. |Moderate |Slow {tidal-kick |Tidal Kick |(Melee Cone) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Cold), Foe Chance to Knockdown |teleport_attack |cone |You attack all enemies in a cone in front of you with a diving kick. This attack deals moderate damage and has a chance to knockdown all enemies it hits. |Moderate |Moderate {storm-drain |Storm Drain |(PBAOE) Foe -Regeneration, -Recovery; Self +Regeneration (per foe), +Recovery (per foe) |transfer |pbaoe |You can drain some water from all nearby foes in order to replenish yourself, increasing your own regeneration and recovery rates. The more foes affected, the more regeneration and recovery are gained. Foes will suffer from a debuff to their own regeneration and recovery rates as their body is dessicated by the sudden water loss. |- |Very Long {hydraulic-press |Hydraulic Press |(Melee) Foe Superior Damage (Smashing, Cold), Hold |hold |single_target |Channels your water pressure into a slow but devastating strike, dealing extreme damage and potentially holding your opponent. |Superior |Long {{Blaster |secondary {sinkhole|1 {aqua-strike|2 {drenching-aura|3 {piston-punch|4 {build-up|5 {water-vortex|6 {tidal-kick|7 {storm-drain|8 {hydraulic-press|9