{{Wind Manipulation |pale filter:hue-rotate(50deg); |filter:hue-rotate(60deg); |You are able to manipulate wind, allowing you to attack and disable your enemies. {focused-gale |Focused Gale |(Melee) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing), Knockback |knockback |single_target |You create a focused gale on a target in melee range. The gale is strong enough to knock them back, dealing minor smashing damage as they hit the floor. |Minor |Fast {gust-strike |Gust Strike |(Melee) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing), Chance to Knockdown |melee_small |single_target |You strike your foe with a strong gust of wind, dealing minor smashing damage and potentially knocking them over. |Minor |Fast {storm-surge |Storm Surge |Self +Damage, +Tohit, +Special |buff_damage |self |Greatly boosts the damage and slightly boosts the chance to hit of your next few attacks. Additionally, your Wind Manipulation attacks will be electrically-charged during this time, dealing energy damage and draining enemy endurance. |- |Long {cyclone-punch |Cyclone Punch |(Melee) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing), Chance to Knockdown, -Fly |melee_medium |single_target |You punch a foe with a spiraling burst of wind. This attack is slower than Gust Strike but deals more damage, has a higher chance to knock your foe over, and will also drop flying targets out of the air. |Moderate |Moderate {wind-cannon |Wind Cannon |(Melee AOE) Foe High Damage (Smashing), Chance to Disorient, Chance to Knockback |damage |taoe |Strikes a targeted foe with a powerful burst of wind. The burst is strong enough to damage your targeted foe and any other foes around them for high smashing damage. Struck foes may also be disoriented and knocked back as well. |High |Slow {turbulence |Turbulence |[Toggle] (PBAOE) Foe Minor Damage over Time (Smashing), -Defense |damage |pbaoe |While active, you create a field of turbulent wind around you. The turbulence will deal minor smashing damage over time to any enemies nearby as well as lowering their defense. |Minor |Moderate {thunder-clap |Thunder Clap |(PBAOE) Foe Disorient |disorient |pbaoe |You call forth a tremendous thunder clap that disorients most foes in an area around you. |- |Slow {downdraft |Downdraft |(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing), Hold, -Movement, -Recharge, -Fly |hold |single_target |You gather air above your target before forcefully pressurizing it into a downward-flowing vortex. The force of the downdraft prevents your target from moving, effectively holding them in place and preventing flight. The force of the downdraft also leaves the target winded, reducing their movement and attack speeds for a short time while they recover. |Moderate |Moderate {aerial-uppercut |Aerial Uppercut |(Melee) Foe High Damage (Smashing), Chance to Knockup, -Fly |melee_large |single_target |You perform a powerful uppercut, sending gale-force wind directly at your opponent's jaw. This attack deals high smashing damage, has a strong chance to knock the foe into the air, and will plunge a flying foe out of the sky on a successful hit. |High |Moderate {{Blaster |secondary {focused-gale|1 {gust-strike|2 {storm-surge|3 {cyclone-punch|4 {wind-cannon|5 {turbulence|6 {thunder-clap|7 {downdraft|8 {aerial-uppercut|9