Athena (Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia)(Summer) 5 lancer 4 magical QQABB,3,2,1,4 9,13,9,17,17,20 Animal Communication C Increase your NP Gauge [30-50%] np_gain 7 Bronze Link Manipulator B Apply Invincible (1 turn) + Gain a large amount of C. Stars [10-20] invincibility 8 Monster Creation EX Apply Berserker class affinity [deal 1.5x damage to all classes except Shielder and Foreigner, deal 0.5x damage to Foreigner, receive 2x damage from all classes except Shielder] (5 turns) & apply trait [Demonic Beast] (5 turns) to a single enemy madness_enhancement 8 Goddess Essence B Apply Damage Plus [225] & increase Debuff Resist [22.5%] for yourself core_of_the_goddess Riding A Increase your Quick Card effectiveness [10%] riding 4 Zeus Keraunos subtitle goes here quick 20 Anti-Ship 5 Apply Ignore Invincible for yourself (1 turn) + deal heavy DEF-ignoring damage [600-1000%] & decrease Critical Strength [20-40%] (3 turns) & chance to decrease Charge [50-100%] {overcharge} for a single enemy Chinatsu Asaki Ototsugu Konoe The goddess of wisdom, handicraft, and war's summer spirit origin. The goddess wnts so show up the likes of Artemis while repairing the summer singularity but, in truth, she just wants to blow off some steam. 162 cm 47kg Greek Mythology Europe Neutral-Good Female Sky Female, Humanoid, Pseudo-servant, Divine, Immune to Pigify, Living Human, Weak to Enuma Elish She's taken up her epithet of Pallas Athena and has gone on the offensive in her swimsuit. It's not good to keep frustration pent up, so you have to let loose every once in a while.[br][br]Among the victims of Athena's wrath in the past are Arachne, Ajax, Hector, Tiresias, and Medusa.[br][br]This summer goddess is not afraid to bring down her lance. [Zeus Keraunos][br]Rank: A+[br]NP Type: Anti-Ship[br][br]Zeus' lightning bolt, feared by mortals throughout the ages. Its rank is decreased as Athena is merely borrowing it and cannot fire it in rapid succession. Because of this, however, she aims with more precision than her father. Anima Communication: C[br]She is able to understand birds and teaches this skill to Tiresias. After she felt bad for blinding them...[br][br]Bronze Link Manipulator: B[br]A mystic code made by the vessel which rivals the Volumen Hydragyrum. Its effectiveness is bolstered by the goddess' affinity for handicrafts.[br][br]Monster Creation: EX[br]Athena's proficiency (propensity) to brashly curse people, turning them into monsters. This habit has the potential to put her into a tight spot during combat. Underneath her normally stoic expression is a girl just trying to do her best. - summon levelup asc 1 asc 2 asc 3 asc 4 bond 1 bond 2 bond 3 bond 4 bond 5 likes dislikes grail event birthday [About Artemis] Erichthonius of Athens Apply Curse (500 Damage, 2 turns) to enemy when you are attacked poison - Chocolate-covered Strawberries - * notes