JMF1336R Rising Gundam 3 Long-Range 900 1 600 - A mobile fighter intended for Ulube Ishikawa's use. It was piloted only once by Rain Mikamura. Mobile Fighter G Gundam images/portraits/rising_gundam.png Beam Bow weapon_beam_rifle [main] Hold to draw the beam bow. Release to fire a bolt that travels long-range. [sub] Unready the beam bow, returning you to normal movement speed and zoom. - Ultimate Bullseye Rising Arrow ultimate_beam_magnum [g] Overcharge the beam bow. [main] Fire a rising arrow that pierces enemy units. Can be fired up to five times. Heat Naginata skill_fedayeen_rifle_beam_blade [skill] Slash attack that knocks back the target. Targets who are already stunned suffer an additional stun. Rising Shield custom_skill_rising_shield [skill] Deploy the rising shield, which lasts for a set duration or until it absorbs its maximum damage. Ends early if you attack or use thrusters but allows dashing and hovering. - -