DiveMan.EXE https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/8/8d/DiveEXE.jpg Aqua Damage 900 1 Battle Network 6 DiveMan.EXE is a WWW net navi operated by Captain Blackbeard. He and BlastMan.EXE have been known to work together. Smart Missile https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/e/e0/BN6MChip025.png Fires rockets that deal splash damage and knockback on impact with a navi or surface.[br]You can use the splash damage from your missiles to rocket jump. Dive Bomb https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/e/e5/MMBN2Chip101.png Plants a mine on the floor that explodes when an enemy gets too close. Can store up to three charges.[br]The mines can be destroyed by minor damage and you will be alerted when this happens. Bubble Wrap https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/b/b9/BN6Chip183.png Cast a barrier on an ally that absorbs damage. The barrier decays over time and when attacked, disappearing when its HP os depleted.[br]Hold the skill button down to apply the barrier to yourself. Giga Wave https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/a/aa/MMBN3SChip076.png Swim along the floor, creating a wave in front of you that damage foes and push them away as you run into them. The wave also blocks ranged damage from the front and leaves a wake behind you that increases the movement speed of allies that walk through it. [#213962#] Default [#ff0000#] [#e68a2e#] [#e6cb45#] [#2ee62e#] [#4545e6#] [#8845e6#] [#ff4da6#] [#eaeaea#] [#606060#] [#624a21#] Chaos Unison [#3255a1#] DWN-031 * Gameplay taken from DOM Trooper (Gundam Evolution)