EraseMan.EXE Cursor Control 800 3 Battle Network 6 EraseMan.EXE is a cyberdeleter and the net navi of Dark Scyth. He is specialized for assassinating other navis. His abilities allow him to approach his victims undetected. Hex Sickle Melee only. Slow swing but long forward reach.[br]Very high damage bonus when attacking enemies from behind. Misty Demon Shoots out 3 phantoms that inflict an HP bug when colliding with an enemy.[br]The phantoms track the nearest targets and disappear after a set distance or colliding with an enemy or a surface. Invisible Become invisible to enemies and take reduced damage from attacks. Can be ended early by attacking, using a battle chip, or pressing the skill button again.[br]Ending with an attack or chip adds a wind-up to the action and a loud "tell" sound that alerts foes. Erase Delete Beam Damages and paralyzes all enemies in a cone in front of you.[br]This attack pierces invisible and other damage-avoidance states but does not bypass guards. [#382c4c#] Default [#ff0000#] [#e68a2e#] [#e6cb45#] [#2ee62e#] [#4545e6#] [#8845e6#] [#ff4da6#] [#eaeaea#] [#606060#] [#404c2c#] Chaos Unison [#382c4c#] Erase Cross MegaMan [#382c4c#] Erase Beast MegaMan * Gameplay inspired by The Spy (Team Fortress 2)