JunkMan.EXE https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/3/3e/JunkEXE.jpg Object Control 800 1 Battle Network 4 A solo net navi born from junk data in Yumland's internet data-dump. Being without an operator for so long, he has trouble expressing himself at times. Bolt Missile https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/b/b1/BN4MChip028BM.png Fires large hardware bolts forward at a slow rate.[br]Alt-fire to use Junk Press which functions as both a melee attack as well as a means to repair and upgrade your cannon. Canodumb https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/4/4f/BN5Chip009.png Summons a Canodumb virus to fight for you. The cannon can be upgraded into a CanGuard with better health and damage output.[br]You can only have one Canodumb/CanGuard deployed at a time; attempting to summon it again will destroy your current one and revert its upgrade status. Repair https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/d/d3/BN4Chip117.png Repair your cannon for up to 50% of its health nearly instantly. Can be used on a teammate to grant temporary overheal instead.[br](Overheal is treated as a secondary HP bar and does not heal allies. Cannot overheal your cannon.) Poltergeist https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/a/a6/MMBN3MChip18.png Floats into the air and launches junk in the direction you are aiming. Picks up enemy objects around you when activated - such as IceMan's block, Colonel's soldiers, and even an enemy JunkMan's cannon - adding them to the volley for additional damage and destroying the objects in the process. [#a69b90#] Default [#ff0000#] [#e68a2e#] [#e6cb45#] [#2ee62e#] [#4545e6#] [#8845e6#] [#ff4da6#] [#eaeaea#] [#606060#] [#909ba6#] Chaos Unison [#5b7fa6#] DRN-050 [#a69b90#] Junk Soul MegaMan [#909ba6#] Junk Chaos MegaMan * Gameplay inspired by The Engineer (Team Fortress 2) and Torbjorn (Overwatch)