ProtoMan.EXE Sword Damage 1050 2 Battle Network 1 ProtoMan.EXE is a net navi operated by the ace net battler Eugene Chaud. ProtoMan specializes in swords and has a defensive shield. He can be rather ruthless side at times. Proto Sword Melee-only. Swings in a short, wide arc in front. Moderate firing rate. Proto Shield Deploys a shield for a brief moment. Blocks damage from the front and sends a damaging shockwave forward for every attack blocked.[br]Has a fast recharge and can be spammed since it cannot be held, unlike other guards. Sonic Boom Sends out a wave of energy that damages foes as it passes through them. Can store up to 3 charges at a time. Delta Ray Locks out your battle chips and replaces your primary attack with three dash-slashes. [#fb1b25#] ProtoMan.EXE [#ff0000#] [#e68a2e#] [#e6cb45#] [#2ee62e#] [#4545e6#] [#8845e6#] [#ff4da6#] [#eaeaea#] [#606060#] [#512f7c#] Dark ProtoMan.EXE (BN5) [#771232#] Dark ProtoMan.EXE (Axess) [#6f3bff#] Dark Blues.EXE (Battle Chip Stadium) [#e45746#] DRN-000 [#fb1b25#] Proto Soul MegaMan [#512f7c#] Proto Chaos MegaMan * Gameplay inspired by Zaku II [Melee] (Gundam Evolution) but without the rage mechanic. Ultimate taken from Gundam Barbatos (Gundam Evolution). * The DRN-000 (classic series) palette adds a lot more plain gray to ProtoMan's tights.