ShadowMan.EXE Invisible Control 1000 3 Battle Network 1 ShadowMan.EXE is a ninja-themed net navi operated by Dusk. The two are former members of the Gospel criminal organization. Shuriken Throws shuriken with a moderate fire rate.[br]Can be charged to throw a single large windmill shuriken. (9s cooldown) Anti-Damage Attempts to block attacks from the front for a few seconds. On successful block, throws a shuriken in the direction you are looking. (These do not take from your buster ammo and do not have end lag, so can combo into another attack.) Slasher Performs a dash slash that damages enemies along your path. Automatically recharges every delete or assist you get with Muramasa. Muramasa Replaces your weapon with a wide melee slash. The damage it deals scales upward with your missing HP. [#7d4f8b#] Default [#ff0000#] [#e68a2e#] [#e6cb45#] [#2ee62e#] [#4545e6#] [#8845e6#] [#ff4da6#] [#eaeaea#] [#606060#] [#5d8b4f#] Chaos Unison [#495192#] DWN-024 [#80538e#] Shadow Soul MegaMan [#a9843e#] Shadow Chaos MegaMan * Gameplay taken from Genji (Overwatch)