SHOTO jack of all trades mid-range strong firebal invincible reversal strong anti-air projectile invincible attack good, honest buttons decent walk speed & health pool (Ryu, Mario) GRAPPLER close range command grab no ranged attack low mobility, high health (Zangief, Cerebella) ZONER long-range powerful projectiles "get off me" tools projectile to bait anti-air (Guile, Peacock) long melee but slow and large hurt boxes (Dhalsim) RUSHDOWN charges in, closes gap low hp, bad footsies, low range fast buttonts, lots of crossups anti fireball fast movement strong up-close pressure (Cammy, all Dragon Ball FighterZ characters) PUPPET control two characters with one controller different movements per character good offense, bad defense normals/specials underwhelming on their own (need to work in tandem) (Ms. Fortune, Rosalina & Luma) STANCE changes playstyle mid-combat strong specialized tools but bad all-arounder (Vega) COMPOSITE made of other characters' movesets (Double, Kirby) MIXUP high-low mixups crossups/unders grabs/unblockables (El Fuerte) SETUP places stuff around for later use (Jack-O, Juri)