= Sony Smash =
Playstation All Stars Battle Royale was an absolute disaster. Here's what a more successful Sony clone of Smash Bros would look like.
== Roster ==
=== In-house ===
{|Aloy|Horizon Zero Dawn}
{|Spike|Ape Escape}
{|Fat Princess|Fat Princess}
{|Kratos|God of War}
{|Kat & Dusty|Gravity Rush}
{|Nariko|Heavenly Sword}
{|Cole MacGrath|Infamous}
{|Jak & Daxter|Jak & Daxter}
{|Colonel Radec|Killzone}
{|PaRappa|Parappa the Rapper}
{|Rachet & Clank|Rachet & Clank}
{|Sly Cooper|Sly Cooper}
{|Spyro|Spyro the Dragon}
{|Joel|The Last of Us}
{|Nathan Drake|Uncharted}
{|Helldiver|Helldivers 2}
{|Jin Sakai|Ghost of Tsushima}
=== Third-party ===
{|Dante|Devil May Cry|CAPCOM}
{|Vergil|Devil May Cry 3|CAPCOM}
{|Nero|Devil May Cry 5|CAPCOM}
{|Isaac Clarke|Dead Space|Electronic Arts}
{|Subject Delta|Bioshock 2|Irrational Games}
{|Booker Dewitt|Bioshock: Infinite|Irrational Games}
{|Richter Belmont|Castlevania: Symphony of the Night|Konami}
{|Dracula|Castlevania: Symphony of the Night|Konami}
{|Raiden|Metal Gear Rising|Konami}
{|Solid Snake|Metal Gear Solid|Konami}
{|Cloud|Final Fantasy VII|Square-Enix}
{|Sephiroth|Final Fantasy VII|Square-Enix}
{|Sora|Kingdom Hearts|Square-Enix}